Frequently Asked Questions

What birth data do I need to provide for an Astrology Reading?

  1. Birthdate (month/day/year) 

  2. Birth Place (city, state and country)

  3. Birth Time (hour and minute, am/ pm)

Time of birth is usually found on your birth certificate.  But if you’re like me, my birth time was not on my birth certificate.  I went to the hospital where I was born, paid $7 and requested this information.

Try to get a very accurate time.  Being off by 10 or 15 minutes can make a huge difference to the accuracy of the birth chart reading.

How do I schedule an Astrology reading?

  1. Go to my Services page, find a reading that sounds right for you, and click "Learn More."

  2. Or go to my Contact page and fill out the form, including your birth information.

I will respond to you with suggested appointment times. 

What are your rates?

The rates vary depending on the service and the amount of time they take. Visit my Services page for full rates and more details.

Am I supposed to ask any questions during the reading or sit quietly?

This is your reading. We can use our time like a conversation between friends, or I can present the reading and you can ask questions in the end, it’s totally up to you. Either is appropriate.

Can I receive a reading over the phone instead of in-person?

Yes, we can talk on Zoom.

Do you record the sessions?

I record using my Voice Memos app on my Iphone, then convert the recording with Dropbox and send it to you. I prefer if you also record the reading, just to be safe.

Do you share my birth information with anyone?

Never, ever.

Do you take credit cards?

Yes, I accept cards and payment via PayPal. (transaction fees may apply)
Feel free to contact me and I will provide more information about this payment method. I also use Venmo. We can discuss which works better for you and I’ll send you my contact info.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please give me 48 hours notice to cancel an appointment.
Less than 48 hours notice, I charge a cancellation fee of half the cost of the scheduled service. I spend a substantial amount of time preparing for the reading before we ever meet, so it's important that I have enough notice for cancellations.

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